There is no greater opportunity or responsibility than the study of God’s Word. Paul instructed Timothy: “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – II Timothy 2:15.
We welcome your consideration of Concord Baptist Institute. Begun in the fall of 2004, we are a young seminary with great expectations for our future in Biblical training. We are blessed with a capable and dedicated faculty. We offer courses conducive to a student’s busy and hectic life. We keep our vision simple: Concord Baptist Institute exists to help make the Bible priority and practical in the ministry to which God has called you.
As you survey this catalog, I invite you to remember and share this simple vision. In the following pages, you will find courses designed to help make this vision a reality in your life and ministry. In the enrollment of these courses, you will find instruction and fellowship designed to help make this vision a reality in your life and ministry.
Again, thank you for your consideration of Concord Baptist Institute. Please contact me if I can be of any help in your ministry. Above all else, I pray God’s richest blessings upon your ministry for Christ’s sake.
R. L. Clark, President
Concord Baptist Institute